Japanese Terrain scenery



New terrain scenery framework was introduced for FS2000. Elevated terrain can be drawn precisely by terrain scenery using DEM(Digital Elevation Map) data.

But default terrain scenery of FS2000 uses 1km mesh DEM data, so it looks not so good (especially, Mt. Fuji looks very bad).

The Japanese terrain scenery is created by terrain SDK from 50m mesh DEM data of geographical survey institute of Japan, and covers all of Japan.

Screen Shot

Original Mt.Fuji of FS2000 (Very poor!)

Mt.Fuji created from 50m mesh DEM data.

Crater of Mt.Fuji.

The peaks of Hotaka.

These screen shots are opened to public with approval of geographical survey institute.

System Requirements

Same as FS2000.

This scenery is very big, so many resources are required. Memory size is very important. 128Mbyte is minimum, 256Mbyte is recommended. Pentium III 500MHz or upper is recommended.


If you have DEM data CD-ROM (50m mesh) of geographical survey inssitute of Japan, I recommend to use following kit. The kit can generate scenery using CD-ROM and Terrain SDK from Microsoft. Japan part I, II, III can be used. (Sorry, all documents in this kit are written in Japanese!)

Followings are historical sceneries.
